

The manufacture of special tools for the aviation industry is one of the main fields of activity in Shimshon Tools. Shimshon Tools provides its services to the aviation industry for over 25 years. We have highly advanced machines, which stand at the forefront of technology. We manufacture special aviation tools at high precision levels and with noncompromising standards regarding surface qualities.

The field of aviation is one which requires exceptional precision as well as compliance with aviation standards (as well as additional, painstaking repairs, part of which is internal and part is client-specific). An engagement with Shimshon Tools is, in this regards, a whole which is greater than the sum of its parts. Our clients enjoy the integration of technology, experience, financial backing and availability.

Solutions to various needs

The field of aviation and space is one of the widest and most complex fields. As the needs therein are variegated, and as any manufacturing process in aviation involves machining, the professional character of the company which provides the machining tools, is an essential part of any project.

The solutions provided by Shimshon Tools for the field of aviation include, among other things, the manufacture of long tools, shaped tools, Parker-standard tools, modules for cogwheels, tools for complex materials, step drills for electric connectors, various types of Spotface tools, special tools for the manufacture of turbine blades for engines and more. The product range is great and multifaceted. The examples presented here are but the tip of the iceberg.

We can manufacture products at standard sizes, or to follow custom-made programs, as requested by the client (while meeting tight schedules). Shimshon Tools works in the leading aviation companies of the world. Its tools allow for the manufacture of equipment for airplanes, helicopters, missiles, space shuttles and more.


Worth knowing!

Shimshon Tools has gained a reputation in the manufacture of machining tools for the field of aviation. The company works with clients in Israel and abroad and our machining tools find their way to the greatest, leading factories of the world. We pride ourselves on professional service, reliability, availability and a willingness to meet any challenge. The company factory spans about 1,000 sqm., and our staff consists of dozens of highly experienced professionals.

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